Search results

  1. S

    Tickets Pending Tickets to be added to "Assigned to me"

    Title says it all. Pending should be displayed on the "Assigned to me" queue, or at least an option to choose what's displayed there.
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    Tickets Predefined responses

    Is there a way to add/remove predefined responses without having to go to the admin panel? I noticed that they can be edited and deleted but not added from the profile page. In addition to that, it would be great to have user specific responses. Instead of having everyone using the same...
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    Tickets Change status to "Open" when a customer replies to a ticket

    When someone replies to a solved ticket, the status should update to "Open" automatically. That way agents can get to it faster instead of it being lost in the queue.
  4. S

    Tickets Fixed Discussion tab visible for everyone

    We have a discussion forum for our agents to discuss privately. No one can view that node except for the agents; however, the tab is still visible for everyone. I believe this wasn't visible to everyone before, but it is now.
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    Tickets Fixed Ticket responses 1.5.2

    When clicking on a ticket response, nothing happens, and this is logged in the console
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    Tickets Search tickets by keywords

    In addition to searching for tickets by their ID and user, a way to search tickets by keywords would be great!
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    Tickets Default option for Queue sorting

    At the moment it could be done manually; however, whenever a support agent processes a ticket and goes back to the queue all sorting options are cleared. I was wondering if it's possible to either add an option in the ACP to change the default sorting option (Asc/Desc) or maybe save their...
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    Tickets Fixed Filters replacing each other

    I am not sure if this is on purpose or not; however, when clicking on "Unassigned" the sorting filter is automatically removed (ASC/DEC) and vice versa
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    Tickets Fixed 1.5.0 BETA 5: Ticket numbers per category page

    When browsing category page, the numbers always show 0 - 0 at the bottom:
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    Tickets Letting members close their own tickets

    Members/Customers should be able to close their own tickets, in case their issue has been resolved before staff reply them
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    Tickets Fixed 1.5.0 BETA 5: Filters & Display options showing for members

    Members can see and click their ticket status which redirects them to the staff's /queue with the status filter. They can also see and use the ticket display options, where the category filter works but the status one doesn't. (It shows all the tickets when the status is set to "Open", but...
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    Tickets Queue filter to remove assigned tickets

    The tickets queue filter should have an option to remove any tickets that are assigned to any staff member, or a default filter that shows only Open and Non assigned tickets.
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    Tickets Tickets Queue options

    Right now all tickets are shown in the queue to the staff member except tickets that are assigned to them. It would be great if the ticket queue had options to show the following: - All tickets (From all categories, and all ticket statuses) - Unassigned tickets (Tickets that are not assigned to...