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  1. Skurnicki

    Ranks 1.1.2

    So is this coming any time soon? There was alot that i liked in 1.1.0 That you took out like the ranks system you gonna add that back in?
  2. Skurnicki

    Rosters Update

    So when is this 1.1.2 update coming for this? a month ago it was within a week
  3. Skurnicki

    Rosters Fixed Multiple

    In Rosters currently Cant move people to another roster you get an error Cant access the time in grade Cant organize users by ranking they get put to a roster at the time they joined. No real way to organize the page.
  4. Skurnicki

    Rosters Ranks?

    Hi im trying to have my members have ranks in rosters. Currrently when you add memebers it goes by date added, we want a ranks (officers over NCO over Enlisted) as well we want time in grade cant add it to our profiles for rosters and its in the code