Calendar 1.0.7 No ability to add/edit tags on an Event

Have you got any outdated templates?

What happens if you go straight to the event tags page? Add /tags to the end of an event url.
I made some tweaks here, I seem to have typo'd the permission names a bit which would explain this. This would only happen if you're viewing an event that isn't yours which is why Freelancer can see the link but Mouth can not. :)

The fix is in the next version but if you want to apply it now, you can find the following in library/NixFifty/Calendar/Model/Event.php:
if (XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($calendarPermissions, 'tagEventAny')
            || XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($calendarPermissions, 'manageAnyEvent')

Change to:
if (XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($calendarPermissions, 'tagAnyEvent')
            || XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($calendarPermissions, 'manageAnyTag')