Calendar [2.1.3] bug? You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project

You need to enable billing on your Google Cloud Project that you assigned the API key to. It's not a bug.
You need to enable billing on your Google Cloud Project that you assigned the API key to. It's not a bug.
I have NOT enabled billing on my google cloud project and the maps seem to be working correctly :)

I have NOT enabled billing on my google cloud project and the maps seem to be working correctly :)

You might be using a totally free Maps API vs one that's freemium... Maps Embed is still free whereas Google Places which I think this addon uses is billed on usage. It's probably wise to enable billing even if you're not getting warnings as google has a tendency to drop updates without too much notice.
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@nik @NixFifty

I don't understand I am using the same API key I use for nixfifty's classified addon which is using the same settings so it should be working without any issues

You're using the same key but accessing different API endpoints (think different APIs) for your Google project. That's the difference I think here. Google will throw the error if you're using a usage metered API which Places is. Other addons may be using the Embed API which is just a Google Maps in an iframe, those are not usage metered so would not trigger this error. My theory at least without knowing the specifics.