AMP Not a Bug CSS Error

For some reason, adding this small and very specific piece of CSS into the extra.css template, breaks certain AMP pages with an invalid CSS message within AMP console:

.xbBoxed {padding:20px 5px !important;}

Remove it, valid. WTF?


I decided to break it out into its own line, also valid. But if included in the first media query, invalid.

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) {.discussionListItem .listBlock.posterAvatar {display: none;}.discussionListItem .listBlock.main .titleText {padding-left: 0;}}
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) {.xbBoxed {padding:20px 5px !important;}}
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Can't seem to reproduce this.

Could you screenshot the validator error and link to it here, please?