Whenever I open the TeamSpeak viewer:
Doesn't happen for other ppl, though. Maybe because they have the actual TS Viewer permission set to "No", so the viewer itself is not visible for them.
- ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Trying to access array offset on value of type null
- src\addons\NF\TeamSpeak\Helper.php:202
Stack trace
#0 src\addons\NF\TeamSpeak\Helper.php(202): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Tryi...', 'D:\\inetpub\\wwwr...', 202, Array)
#1 src\addons\NF\TeamSpeak\Helper.php(1452): NF\TeamSpeak\Helper->addUuidToGroup('1YQmQBkDv57hbmw...', ' ', '77691')
#2 src\addons\NF\TeamSpeak\XF\Pub\Controller\Account.php(70): NF\TeamSpeak\Helper->setServerGroupsByUserId(1)
#3 src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php(350): NF\TeamSpeak\XF\Pub\Controller\Account->actionTeamSpeak(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#4 src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php(257): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('XF:Account', 'Teamspeak', Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Account), NULL)
#5 src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php(113): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(SV\SignupAbuseBlocking\XF\Pub\Controller\Account), NULL)
#6 src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php(55): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#7 src\XF\App.php(2190): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#8 src\XF.php(391): XF\App->run()
#9 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#10 {main}
Doesn't happen for other ppl, though. Maybe because they have the actual TS Viewer permission set to "No", so the viewer itself is not visible for them.
call is weird, as I suspect the first parameter to be the TS group identifier and the second parameter (77691) being the XF user id and the user has nothing to do with my XF user (1)...
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