[Feeler] Staff Application Plugin

Hey all, another feeler post.

Naz has a few things on his plate already, especially with 2.3 coming up and some refreshes on existing apps.

There is a possibility this may be merged in with his Forms app, and the feature may already be planned as part of the refresh, but it may be good to have an application form for staff apps.

Given the overlap with a forms app, this may be best as an extension to that, but I'm primarily looking for a few features:

  • App panel similar to the Tickets application where team managers (or those with permission) can review pending applications.
  • Team managers can specify the questions they want to ask on their apps - mod team applications may have different criteria and skill set requirements than a marketing team, for instance.
  • Site admins (e.g. on behalf of HR) can define standard questions for every app

This can for the most part be done with other forms apps on the market, but it can be clunky or require admin intervention.

Is anyone else out there looking for a similar plugin? I may be willing to sponsor this in time depending on interest and what the NF Forms plugin looks like.