Tickets Fixed No permission for guests

Guest permissions are set to allow them viewing and creating a ticket.
None the less guests get a no permission error on: /tickets/
Have you set these permissions on a user group level or on a ticket category level?
User group are located here: admin.php?user-group-permissions/
Category are here: admin.php?tickets/permissions
Setting the permissions on the regular usergroup permissions page is basically the same as the second link. Either one will affect the other.
The second link does not seem pertain to Ticket categories/nodes.

To answer your question: The permissions are set like this:
User Group Permissions Unregistered - Unconfirmed - Admin CP - TEST 1 27-5-2017 21-49-26.png
I misread your initial message hence why I was confused. Checking it out now though.
No, I can replicate it on my dev site. Which means there are other factors at play like different settings, conflicting permissions, addon conflicts or hosting config.
I've made some improvements here. Note though, guests can't actually see a ticket listing at /tickets/. They will be rerouted to the new ticket page as a result.