Discord Fixed Test Discord Error and Authorisation Mismatching URI


I've just updated to Discord v1.1.0 and I have this error after running Test Discord:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method NixFifty_Discord_Api_Channels::deleteMessage() in <webroot>/library/NixFifty/Discord/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php on line 28

I've tested authorisation again and it still comes up with a mismatching URI. I'm using Full Friendly URLs and my Redirect URI is set to: https://unrealaussies.com?_=register/discord

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm also having this error. Full error report below:

An exception occurred: Call to undefined method NixFifty_Discord_Api_Channels::deleteMessage() in /library/NixFifty/Discord/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php on line 28

NixFifty_Discord_ControllerAdmin_Tools->actionTestDiscord() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /admin.php at line 13

Also using Friendly URLs and my redirect URL is set to domain.com/discord.php (Used the example in the installation notes).
The main error being encountered has been fixed and should be out soon. Sorry about that.

I've tested authorisation again and it still comes up with a mismatching URI. I'm using Full Friendly URLs and my Redirect URI is set to: https://unrealaussies.com?_=register/discord
Can you try using the full URL and see how that goes?
For example:

Also using Friendly URLs and my redirect URL is set to domain.com/discord.php (Used the example in the installation notes).
Your redirect URI is out of date. The file discord.php was removed in the last update. For more information, visit https://nixfifty.com/products/discord-integration.7/changelog
The main error being encountered has been fixed and should be out soon. Sorry about that.

Can you try using the full URL and see how that goes?
For example:

Even though I don't include index.php, it adds it anyway. I'm getting this authorisation URL:
