Tickets Fixed "Message" templates code does not follow XF standards...

After analyzing the ticket "message" layout and the used templates, I find it somewhat problematic that the ticket post messages do have a few flaws how the templates are used (or not used).

When using XF Core default style, this does not jump into your eye but as soon as you use other styles or frameworks like UI.X, the layout is screwed up. I try to show it here in the example screenshots tomorrow.
It's actually intentional to some extent. The message template from XF core assumes some things and thus it's not very reusable. I do have some changes in mind to workaround the issues and to better support third party styles.
So here my input. From an interface designer point of view I want everything in it's correct place throughout the website, because as soon as you change the way your layout works, users will get lost.

You said it is intentional, which I understand from a functional point of view but from a formal point of view there are some layout flaws that might not be falling into weight with the default theme but with other styles they will.

There are three main parts:
  1. message_user_info
  2. messageMeta
  3. the "hidden" indicator
1. message_user info & 2. message meta
The message user info is – although included in the template – not working. I don't know if it comes from the includes structure or template modifications but please check this and improve that it works.
The messageMeta is not as it should be. The messageDetails are hanging at the wrong place and displace the item controls. This is especially ugly when you have many item buttons and are on mobile responsive view. It's a total clutter.


3. The "hidden" indicator
This needs to correspond with the "NEW" indicator (as they share the same functionality, so why not share the same formal approach?) Place it IN the message exactly like the "NEW" indicator and through CSS they both can be placed at the top right corner. So they are always at the same place. Currently, the "hidden" indicator is UNDER the message, thus always moving downwards the longer the message is. Imagine if someone includes pictures and long text, then you will entirely miss that the message post was hidden.

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Also, as additional thought, one could think about removing the Message User Info entirely for Tickets add-on for privacy reasons. Because if an unregistered user can read the ticket replying user's details, it might breach security/privacy. It might be a good thing to have it shown if the visitor is registered and have it hidden if the visitor is unregistered.
Some good feedback in here, thanks.

Also, as additional thought, one could think about removing the Message User Info entirely for Tickets add-on for privacy reasons. Because if an unregistered user can read the ticket replying user's details, it might breach security/privacy. It might be a good thing to have it shown if the visitor is registered and have it hidden if the visitor is unregistered.
I think this would be wise but for other reasons. Mostly to differentiate between a ticket and a thread. In addition, there are some things in the core 'message' template which make it hard to reuse and look good with a third party style. This is something I'm working on replacing and I'll try and get this in to 1.4.7 too.
I've made some improvements and things look generally better on third party styles. I've removed message user info as it's a bit frivolous in a support situation, in addition to a couple other things. There's still some improvements to be made and that's probably all that's left before I can push 1.4.7 out.

This seems like a good place to also mention that I've made some much needed style improvements across the board to make viewing and handling tickets easier.
Made some more improvements and just general code cleanup in this area.

It's still not perfect but I'll be working with popular style authors to get better support for Tickets.