Calendar FullCalendar quirks

Not only the Calendar Navigation Count and the "Dot" in the Month View should show new events but this should be used throughout any location where new events are shown:

Agenda View
List View etc.

Its is important that events are shown as "new" as long as they have not been "read".
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This is an inconsistency in the calendar library. I believe an upcoming update to it should fix it so I'll keep this open until that rolls round.
Don't know why but when I create an event as an admin and then login as a test user, the new event is not shown as new to the test user.

Looking into the code in the console, I see that the "unread" class is not rendered at all.
Nothing is highlighted... :D

I think I would like to see that the days with these events are highlighted with an accent color background (Style Properties / CSS) in all areas:
  • Schedule
  • List
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Sidebar Month Widget
That would be a cool thing to really point users onto "special" events like "milestones" for the club, association, forum, community...
Day and Week Views of the Calendar do not respect the language / forum date/time settings but still use the default AM/PM settings.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-28 um 14.49.59.png