Mirror Images

Mirror Images 1.4.0

Automatically convert hot linked images to attachments.
Release date
Last update
Initial support
12 months
Renewal price

Feature summary

  • Convert hot linked images within posts on the fly.
  • Rebuild tool within admin tools and also accessible via CLI to retrospectively mirror images.
  • Meets XenForo's add-on guidelines and standards.

Product details

This add-on will automatically mirror hot linked images in posts and store them as attachments instead. This effectively preserves the quality and overall value of content in the case that the original image host is closed down or otherwise inaccessible.

A rebuild tool is also bundled within the add-on that can be accessed via the admin panel or via the command line to retrospectively mirror images linked in posts that were submitted before this add-on was installed.

This add-on was initially funded by Cameraderie.org.

Pricing information

License duration
12 months
Renewal price

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