Tickets Not a Bug 1.6 Errors when upgrading from 1.5.9 to 1.6.0

You may have an aggressive opcache which has cached an old version of the installer so the 1.6.0 steps aren't triggered. You'll need to manually run these queries:

alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket add column `starter_user_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;

alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket add column `starter_username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL;

alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket_escalation drop column `execute_once`;

alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket_escalation drop column `execute_type`;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `xf_nixfifty_spam_log` (
              `ticket_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
              `trigger_log_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
              `content_type` varbinary(25) NOT NULL,
              `content_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
              `log_date` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
              `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
              `ip_address` varbinary(16) NOT NULL,
              `result` varbinary(25) NOT NULL,
              `details` mediumblob NOT NULL,
              `request_state` mediumblob NOT NULL,
              PRIMARY KEY (`trigger_log_id`),
              KEY `content_type` (`content_type`,`content_id`),
              KEY `log_date` (`log_date`),
              KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`)
            ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB;
I do not have any caches installed or active.

[SQL]alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket add column `starter_user_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
[Err] 1060 - Duplicate column name 'starter_user_id'

[SQL]alter table xf_nixfifty_ticket add column `starter_username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL;
[Err] 1060 - Duplicate column name 'starter_username'

None of the queries worked
Which suggests the columns are already there. Are you still getting the errors?

If you’re on any semi recent version of PHP, you probably have an opcache.
I'm using 5.6.31. I'm not getting those errors anymore after the upgrade went through. However the error message says "undefined index" rather than "unknown column" - dunno if that makes a difference though
Roughly, it’s the same thing. If the columns don’t exist, those indexes don’t exist in the $ticket array.

If you’re not getting the errors now, it’s no biggie.