Calendar 2.5.0 released

Calendar 2.5.0 is now available for all licensed customers to download.
  • Require XenForo 2.3+.
  • Require PHP 8.0+.
  • Update FullCalendar to v6.
  • Replace MomentJS with Luxon.
  • Refactor how recurring dates work to be more reliable and accurate in functionality and display.
  • Hide timezone option when working with an all-day event.
  • When clicking an event on the calendar, open event a summarised view in a tooltip.
  • Add calendar option to disallow recurring events.
  • Add calendar option to disallow location entry on events.
  • Add calendar option to disallow RSVPs on events.
  • Hide recurring options with CSS when not in use to prevent page reflows on load.
  • Load Google Maps asynchronously for events with a location attached.
  • If an event is recurring, display the recurrence rule.
  • If an event is recurring, show a tab with upcoming dates.