Mirror Images Does it work for you with XF 2.2.13?


I just installed Mirror Images on my XF 2.2.13 forums. But it does not work.

If I take an image from flickr, use BBcode for original file size and paste the BBcode into the text box, it does not convert the image. It stays embedded and if I click on it, it leads me to Flickr.

I tried it on 2 different forums. Same results.

Did someone succeed with this?

Best wishes
Correction. I misunderstood this add-on.

The image remains embedded in the post but is hosted on my server as an attachment as a "backup" rather than hotlinked from another service. As long as it is not deleted at i.e. Flickr, I will always see only the embedded image. Only if it gets deleted at Flickr, my backup copy image will appear in that old posting.