Classifieds Don't require a unique forum for each classified category

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I'd like a "discussion" tab, but it's not important for each category to be assigned to its own forum node for this to take place.

It would be nice if categories can share 1 (or more) forum node for discussions to take place. This is so that the board can be "hidden" but accessible to those with the link and then all discussions essentially take place in the same forum with its defined automatic prefix.

For now, I just turned it off as it'd be cumbersome creating 100 nodes for discussions that may or may not ever take place.
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I'd like a "discussion" tab, but it's not important for each category to be assigned to its own forum node for this to take place.

It would be nice if categories can share 1 (or more) forum node for discussions to take place. This is so that the board can be "hidden" but accessible to those with the link and then all discussions essentially take place in the same forum with its defined automatic prefix.

For now, I just turned it off as it'd be cumbersome creating 100 nodes for discussions that may or may not ever take place.
Hi, that is already planned.
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