Tickets Fixed Escalations might produce "empty" Alerts...

It seems to me that escalations really need a good code review. There are too many issues with it to use it live.
I can't reproduce this. What settings and criteria do you have for the escalation that triggers this?
Towards the bottom of escalation General Options where it says 'Alert Body'.
Jep.... I solved the mystery.... it actually was an EMPTY alert field, which was generated unintentionally and by the update process of the Tickets add-on. Every time we do update the Tickets add-on it messes up the existing Escalations (still does with the 1.5.7 update) and it writes old texts into the fields or fills in user names that weren't there before (weren't filled in before)...

In the case above I had an escalation that had no alert and no message post at all, but the last update of the add-on to v1.5.6 filled in "phantom" data (the admin user) and so users got messages and alerts from the admin with EMPTY message bodys automatically when an escalation was executed...

Jep.... I solved the mystery.... it actually was an EMPTY alert field, which was generated unintentionally and by the update process of the Tickets add-on. Every time we do update the Tickets add-on it messes up the existing Escalations (still does with the 1.5.7 update) and it writes old texts into the fields or fills in user names that weren't there before (weren't filled in before)...
That’s pretty weird. If you go to phrases and look for phrases such as nf_tickets_escalation_{escalationId}_{type}, are they associated to an add-on?

Or run this query:
select *
from xf_phrase
where title regexp 'nf_tickets_escalation_[0-9]*_(alert|email|message)'
and addon_id = 'NixFifty_Tickets'

I suspect that might be the issue.
Annoyingly, this is a bit of a bug from an earlier release (the betas IIRC). Those phrases shouldn’t be attached to an addon, otherwise they get overwritten by subsequent addon updates.

Recreating the escalations should be enough to resolve it. Sorry about that!
I will try to do this... an „export Escalations“ would be cool now :D
You only need to do it for the three affected ones. I haven't used phpMyAdmin in years but if you can decipher what phrases are affected, that'll tell you what escalations are affected.

Alternatively, you can search for the phrases in the XF ACP and fix them that way. Find the phrases with the following prefix: nf_tickets_escalation_

The ones that are associated to the Tickets add-on (from your screenshot above, there'll be 3) need to have their add-on value removed. So can either delete the escalations they belong to or edit the master phrase and remove the add-on value.

Hopefully that makes sense, but if you need more help give me a shout. :)