Calendar More Active Development

Hi there, Nix! Please don't take this the wrong way. I don't want to insult you.

Development has been major slow on Calendar for quite some time. I'm pleased with the product In comparison to competition addons (the very few) but I just want to see a more active development cycle on the product. I understand there's a number of products that also have importance and that now you work with XF directly (well done!) but maybe the scope of the products here have outgrown one developer - it would be cool if someone could join you to get things shipped quicker. Bob? Ozzy? Painbaker? TikTak? (I'm not a coder by any stretch, just chucking names out there)

I know there's some sponsored additions (mine being one them, thank you!) and some of the ideas and plans drawn up would take the product into an entire different planet! I don't really know what I'm asking. Do you have plans to continue support and plans to continue to develop the product(s)?

It's been bothering me for a while, so I just wanted to ask. I'm willing to pay more if that's an issue, I'm not sure if it is. Again - I hope I haven't insulted you - that wasn't my aim.
I appreciate your concern and the respectful manner in which you have raised it. There's absolutely nothing here that I would find insulting.

Just to clarify the one developer thing right off the bat though; there hasn't been one developer for many years now and updates are usually a mix of Xon, TickTackk, or myself. Support is something that I handle myself though but I am looking to bring someone onboard for this since I fall behind with it often.

In terms of me specifically, I am acutely aware that there's been a decline in my rate of shipping public add-on updates as of late. I've been quite busy with core development so I haven't had as much time or energy to focus on my add-ons. That's not to say there's nothing happening behind the scenes though. Both my Discord Integration and User Onboarding add-ons have significant updates almost ready to go but it should be noted that both of these were sponsored and therefore prioritised.

I do want to also reiterate, my add-ons will absolutely continue to be supported and developed. If there's something specific you want to see and/or need, sponsored development is absolutely the way to go. Otherwise, and in the case of larger or more niche additions, it's just a case of when I have free time or a specific need for it on one of my own sites.
I appreciate your concern and the respectful manner in which you have raised it. There's absolutely nothing here that I would find insulting.

Just to clarify the one developer thing right off the bat though; there hasn't been one developer for many years now and updates are usually a mix of Xon, TickTackk, or myself. Support is something that I handle myself though but I am looking to bring someone onboard for this since I fall behind with it often.

In terms of me specifically, I am acutely aware that there's been a decline in my rate of shipping public add-on updates as of late. I've been quite busy with core development so I haven't had as much time or energy to focus on my add-ons. That's not to say there's nothing happening behind the scenes though. Both my Discord Integration and User Onboarding add-ons have significant updates almost ready to go but it should be noted that both of these were sponsored and therefore prioritised.

I do want to also reiterate, my add-ons will absolutely continue to be supported and developed. If there's something specific you want to see and/or need, sponsored development is absolutely the way to go. Otherwise, and in the case of larger or more niche additions, it's just a case of when I have free time or a specific need for it on one of my own sites.
No worries. I'm glad I didn't insult you. I find it difficult to gauge tone sometimes, especially via text - but I'm glad you saw it was from the best of places.

Ah! I wasn't aware of that. I thought it was strictly a one-man/person operation. I think support is the biggest issue, because even if there is things ongoing behind the scenes - if people are asking questions or reporting bugs - you might be seeing them, or adding them to your own internal 'to-do' list, but there are quite a few unanswered threads which make people feel as though it's either ignored, not seen, or that there's something further afoot such as abandonment which is the worst feeling if you're investing into an important addon into your community.

I know I've sponsored a small addition some months/maybe longer back, and it was completed and implemented fairly quickly. I think another member-sponsored some additions to the Calendar addon, of which I think only a few of those features thus far have been implemented. Are they still on the to-do list or did that deal fall through? I totally understand you can't discuss private converations/deals but some of that stuff was fantastic.

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User profile
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Calendar: Layout = List
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Events: Just For the Owner / Organizer / Administrator
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  • Show Events
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Location: Create new location
  • Field: Title
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Location: Location view
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    • Average rating (all events)
  • Tab for event categories
    • Overview over all event categories this location is organizing
      • With additional stats over past events per categorie (Attendees, Average Age,…)
  • You should be able to react to a location
  • You should be able to comment a location
Location: Category view
  • Map with all the locations in this category

Some of the items there I've boldened with what has been added. This stuff is stellar - but I think it was commissioned in 2020. Is there a roadmap, or a timeline as to when prioritised items/features are developed?

By the way - I really appreciate your honesty here. Also, throwing my hat in the ring - if you ever need moderation help in organising/answering support threads - I'd be more than happy to help/volunteer. I'm a sucker for things being organised and easy to understand.

Best wishes,
Last edited:
Ah! I wasn't aware of that. I thought it was strictly a one-man/person operation. I think support is the biggest issue, because even if there is things ongoing behind the scenes - if people are asking questions or reporting bugs - you might be seeing them, or adding them to your own internal 'to-do' list, but there are quite a few unanswered threads which make people feel as though it's either ignored, not seen, or that there's something further afoot such as abandonment which is the worst feeling if you're investing into an important addon into your community.
Indeed and it's something I'm working on improving. Thanks for your feedback on this. :)
I know I've sponsored a small addition some months/maybe longer back, and it was completed and implemented fairly quickly. I think another member-sponsored some additions to the Calendar addon, of which I think only a few of those features thus far have been implemented. Are they still on the to-do list or did that deal fall through? I totally understand you can't discuss private converations/deals but some of that stuff was fantastic.
Unfortunately, it has sort've stalled. There's a couple features in the list that needed more details around the implementation outlined but I didn't hear back. I have just popped them a message to see if it's still something they're interested in. It should also be noted that while you have indeed bolded some items that are in the add-on, there are a lot more that need to be bolded.
Some of the items there I've boldened with what has been added. This stuff is stellar - but I think it was commissioned in 2020.
It was started in late 2020 though there was no strict timeline and I was also pre-occupied with off-Internet things for a while so things moved along slowly.
Is there a roadmap, or a timeline as to when prioritised items/features are developed?
Usually it's just based on the deadline / timeline set by person sponsoring though it does depend on the scope and complexity of whatever it is.
By the way - I really appreciate your honesty here. Also, throwing my hat in the ring - if you ever need moderation help in organising/answering support threads - I'd be more than happy to help/volunteer. I'm a sucker for things being organised and easy to understand.
Thanks, I appreciate that and will keep it in mind.
Indeed and it's something I'm working on improving. Thanks for your feedback on this. :)
No problem! :) Structure is important.
Unfortunately, it has sort've stalled. There's a couple features in the list that needed more details around the implementation outlined but I didn't hear back. I have just popped them a message to see if it's still something they're interested in. It should also be noted that while you have indeed bolded some items that are in the add-on, there are a lot more that need to be bolded.
Ah damn. I'm sad to hear that :/ I mean, I don't know if it's a valid idea - but if it was sponsored/paid for and the person doesn't intend on replying or being interested with - I'd be happy to elaborate on the list and help bulk out the ideas and outline? It'd be a shame to waste such good improvements. I've been so excited :LOL: I've just corrected the entire list. As far as I'm aware - everything is current/ up to date now. Forgive me if I've misunderstood anything.
It was started in late 2020 though there was no strict timeline and I was also pre-occupied with off-Internet things for a while so things moved along slowly.
Usually it's just based on the deadline / timeline set by person sponsoring though it does depend on the scope and complexity of whatever it is.
Ahhh fair enough!
Thanks, I appreciate that and will keep it in mind.
No problem. I like helping people. It's kind of what my job involves, too :D
Is it possible to set a public roadmap for this addon along with others? Things you plan to add, when and in what order? I think that would be cool, and something to work towards. At least that would then also give an option for people to seek for private development of a feature or idea if its not something you're interested in adding as a course of the products natural development/life cycle.
Nothing, if anything has happened. Do you have plans to sell/give this addon with someone that has time to give it more love? It might be something to consider. There is so much opportunity.

It's been over 12 months since the last update - and those refinements or changes were meagre. It's been 18 months since the last release with big changes. Again, please don't find my comments insulting - I don't mean them to be.
I've been chipping away at an update for the add-on for a bit that'll be out soon though for context, I've been busy with core team work, custom work and extended periods of time off this year.

There are no plans to sell or give away the add-on.
A year since I made this thread, Dec '21 since the last update - even longer since the last feature change/meaningful update - nothing has changed (visibly). Its really unfortunate.

I know in this industry, much like XF releases - soon never means 'soon' - but are we still edging closer to a further meaningful ship for this product?

Thanks :)