TeamSpeak No users visible in viewer

Affected add-on version
Affected XenForo version
At my forum, too! And XenForo 2.3.3 is now out!

Nowadays I no longer dare to try TS3. When I try to link my account to it, the widget crashes and came back after some minutes!

So please NAZ fix that and tell us, what's about the compability with XenForo and TS3 v2.41....
And.... Discord, too! I will first wait for an answer before I update XenForo.

Just upgraded my add-on to v2.4.1, now there are no users visible in the TeamSpeak viewer page.
This is fixed in v2.4.2. Sorry about that!
XenForo 2.3.3 is now out!
I'm not really sure what this bug report has to do with XF 2.3.3.
Nowadays I no longer dare to try TS3. When I try to link my account to it, the widget crashes and came back after some minutes!
If you're having issues with something not working, you should either open a ticket or file a bug report.
So please NAZ fix that and tell us, what's about the compability with XenForo and TS3 v2.41....
The TeamSpeak add-on is compatible with XF 2.3 and has been since v2.4.0.
And.... Discord, too! I will first wait for an answer before I update XenForo.
The Discord add-on is compatible with XF 2.3 and has been since v2.8.7. As before though, you should either open a ticket or file a bug report if you're having problems. Updating in a test environment is also a good idea.