Discord Fixed Roles Not Syncing


I've been able to authorise my account with the latest update, though as soon as I do, I lose all roles in Discord and it does not sync the roles which have been set.

My bot has full permissions and is ordered above the rest of the roles. No group syncs to Bot.

Roles are set in Xenforo but everything is stripped once you sync your accounts:


If you're the creator of the server your roles cannot be set. Also, the current method of role setting is strict. It removes all roles and sets their permitted ones.
If you're the creator of the server your roles cannot be set. Also, the current method of role setting is strict. It removes all roles and sets their permitted ones.

It removed all roles from me as the server owner though.

I've asked one of my other Administrators to do it and it also removed all his roles and didn't add any back to him.
It removed all roles from me as the server owner though.

I've asked one of my other Administrators to do it and it also removed all his roles and didn't add any back to him.
It should be able to remove roles from you but can't assign, Discord is weird like that. As to the main issue though, I'm gonna look I think that may be related to the other issue that came up.

EDIT: It works as intended on the main test server and board we use, which is interesting.

Are you able to reassign the roles to user groups and see if that assigns the groups for you?
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I've just checked to make sure he has authorised his account correctly, which he has:


I've also made sure he has the correct role:

I also removed the Discord role/forum group connection and reapplied it. It doesn't appear to have done anything:
Very interesting. Is there anything in the Server Error logs area relating to the addon?