Tickets Fixed Ticket for member shows my message as theirs

When I create a ticket for a user / member then the ticket message I post is attributed the the members account. It should show as my message.
This also results in my IP getting added to their account, which messes up 'shared accounts' and the duplicate account detection addon.

Depending on settings of the duplicate account detector it can lock the account of the staff member.
I had to revert this. I'll check my notes later and figure out why but it caused a separate issue and requires slightly more work.
The IP address issue requires database queries to remove it and the duplicate account detector kicking in.
Please move this to open bugs.

When you create a ticket for a member then the first post is attributed to that member.
The text is written by the staff, but it looks like it was posted by the member.
This is extremely confusing to people. The current approach simply does not work or make sense.

The post should be attributed to the staff member.

If the first post needs to be by the ticket owner then how about this approach:
1st post by the member automatically posted with the text:
{staff} opened a new ticket for {name}.
2nd post by staff with the text staff posted.

This would avoid all confusion.
The text is written by the staff, but it looks like it was posted by the member.
This is extremely confusing to people. The current approach simply does not work or make sense.
Agreed. Upgrade to 1.5.1 and the first message will be attributed to the staff member. :)