Tickets Not a Bug URGENT: Page Pagination not showing...

I now have tickets with multiple pages, but the Pagination is not appearing... that is an URGENT problem... members will get lost and frustrated.

EDIT: I am talking about "Simple Message View" layout, if that makes a difference.
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I was not able to reproduce this on any of my sites with 1.6.3 or 1.6.4. There's nothing in the templates that would prevent them from showing up either.

I'd recommend updating and if it persists, I'll need a login to take a look.
"PageNav" class feels a little cold and lonely in template "nf_tickets_ticket_view" and it does not behave as it should (Responsiveness). Better it would be wrapped in a warm and cosy "pageNavLinkGroup"... ;)

<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="pageNavLinkGroup">
            <xen:pagenav link="tickets" linkdata="{$ticket}" page="{$page}" perpage="{$messagesPerPage}" total="{$totalMessages}" />