TeamSpeak Not a Bug "Viewing TeamSpeak" is not correctly phrased


since 1.1.22 the Phrase "nts_viewing_teamspeak" exists, but it is not correctly implemented. Changing my board's language still shows the english "Viewing TeamSpeak" phrase and changing the default english phrase does not yield back to the user interface (so I assume the phrase isn't being used at all).
I had to do a weird workaround for a limitation in XF1 to make the link clickable. There's a phrase called "nts_viewing" that you need to translate which gets merged with "nts_teamspeak" making the final phrase look like "Viewing TeamSpeak" where TeamSpeak is a clickable link to the viewer / identities page.
Mhmm, alright. Thanks for the clarification. A different phrase than "nts_teamspeak" would be nice then, because we don't want to change the text "TeamSpeak" for "nts_teamspeak" but that would be our choice:

nts_viewing -> "Betrachtet"
nts_teamspeak -> "den TeamSpeak-Server"

Now whenever we'd have "TeamSpeak" in German, it would be "den TeamSpeak-Server". So a different phrase (maybe use "nts_viewing_teamspeak" for that?) would be nice if "nts_teamspeak" is used elsewhere to describe "TeamSpeak" :)
Ah yes, I see how that'd be an issue. I can push out a release that provides a different phrase in a short while. :)