Tickets Fixed 1.4.8 Message Layout more messed up than before

Now, the message controls/buttons/infos are still not where they should be (same as before), but now the message layout is stripped of everything UIX...


Correct Message Layout in UIX
(Message Info and Controls in two separate rows. Correct margin between User Info and Message Body)

uix_message wrapper is missing beside other classes.


The messed up layout gets ugly especially in Responsive/Mobile view.
This is pretty tricky with how XF deals with the 'message' template. It's pretty hard coded to only support threads and posts and it's a pain retrofitting that to something else.

Good news is that I managed it. :)

XenBase styles have a lot better support and some quirks on styles powered by that have been resolved.

UI.X is next to sort out and then 1.4.9 is ready.