Tickets Automatically add guest tickets to member account


If a guest submits a ticket and then registers. Or if a member is logged out and files a ticket.
In such case it would be good to add the ticket to the member account. While still allowing access through a unique link.
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What will happen if the user filled in a different name for tickets, than for their forum account?
I ask because a lot of our users file a support ticket under their real name but would be shocked to find any public mention of their real name.
If a guest creates a ticket with their real name but registers later with the same email address, the ticket is updated to reflect their new username.

If an existing user is logged out and creates a ticket but the email is associated with a user account, the ticket is updated to reflect their existing username.

How about this scenario:

Member X cant login anymore because he lost his password and email address.
He files a ticket under his new email address.
We verify that the user is the same member and change the email address in the forum account.
Will the ticket be attached to the forum account?
Yes, the ticket will be updated to reflect their existing username and account.

Basically, any time the email field of a ticket is changed, the system checks and verfies the associated account. :)