Tickets Claim Tickets

As a pre-purchase question, is it possible to "claim" tickets?

Also, how do these tickets integrate with the XF2 node system? If I have another plugin post a thread in a support board, will that thread become a support ticket? The screenshots are all from XF1.
You can assign tickets to yourself or others.

Tickets are a distinct content type from threads. You can convert threads from a support board to tickets but that would be a manual process.

Fair point about the screenshots. I'll look in to getting those updated. In the meantime, you can demo it here if you want (click the support tab above).
You can assign tickets to yourself or others.

Tickets are a distinct content type from threads. You can convert threads from a support board to tickets but that would be a manual process.

Fair point about the screenshots. I'll look in to getting those updated. In the meantime, you can demo it here if you want (click the support tab above).
Tickets are a distinct content type from threads. You can convert threads from a support board to tickets but that would be a manual process.
I'm using Ozzy's Advanced Forms plugin. If this tickets plugin does what I'm looking for, I may see about getting some interoperability commissioned either from you or Ozzy.

This may also be a good solution for those looking for custom forms for support tickets.
