Classifieds Fixed Classifieds ads that require payment are getting through without being paid

Affected add-on version
I have the latest version of the Classifieds add-on running on the latest XF 2.x release running on my site. Twice now someone has submitted an ad which goes into the approval queue. I approve it so it posts to the associated forum but the ad thankfully is not showing. There is a counter in the left column that shows the ad is there but you can't view it, the counter probably should not be reflecting this as it's not paid.

I tried putting an ad there and clicked the option to pay then canceled out of the paypal view. This obviously allows the ad to post but go without being paid. I'm not sure how this workflow works such as notifying the advertiser to complete the payment as it wasn't paid for?

It seems some improvements are needed to paid ad workflows as this is very confusing for the administrators as well as the end users in getting ads paid for or removed/rejected if unpaid.

I have the latest version of the Classifieds add-on running on the latest XF 2.x release running on my site. Twice now someone has submitted an ad which goes into the approval queue. I approve it so it posts to the associated forum but the ad thankfully is not showing. There is a counter in the left column that shows the ad is there but you can't view it, the counter probably should not be reflecting this as it's not paid.

I tried putting an ad there and clicked the option to pay then canceled out of the paypal view. This obviously allows the ad to post but go without being paid. I'm not sure how this workflow works such as notifying the advertiser to complete the payment as it wasn't paid for?

It seems some improvements are needed to paid ad workflows as this is very confusing for the administrators as well as the end users in getting ads paid for or removed/rejected if unpaid.

View attachment 1916

Hey @Nix is the paid listing ever going to get addressed?

The fact that the listing is created after payment is cancelled is a no no not to mention it's quite confusing to use.
There’s an update to improve paid listings in general but it’s still being tested.
There’s an update to improve paid listings in general but it’s still being tested.

Thanks, the whole paid package feature has been broken forever (reported back in Feb but suspect it never worked). Can we get some traction on this? Please see my suggestion/bug thread below for some feedback on this:
