Discord Fixed Discord Roles

Running XenForo 1.5.13
Installed the Discord add on. I am able to see all of the discord users, I am able to see all the discord channels within the Admin panel, but whenever I click on List All Roles I get the below error. Do ALL of the roles on my Discord server have to match identically to the names of the user groups I have on the XenForo forums?

Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you!

Server Error
Cannot use a scalar value as an array

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in NixFifty/Discord/ControllerAdmin/Discord.php at line 373
  2. NixFifty_Discord_ControllerAdmin_Discord->actionRoles() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/admin.php at line 13
Do ALL of the roles on my Discord server have to match identically to the names of the user groups I have on the XenForo forums?
No, you don't need to do that. :)

As for the issue, could you open a ticket with an admin login and FTP details so I can check out what's going on, please?
This was related to a Discord bot not having full permissions.

I have tweaked the add-on to better account for this.