Tickets Email field: copy email address without spaces.


A small request which would take away a daily annoyance:

Often it is needed to copy the email address of the user to find an associated account in the backend. (For some reason it does not always show up)

To copy the email address from the field you can double click and copy. But that will also copy a load of spaces before and after the email address. And XF user search unfortunately yields no results if there are spaces in the search field.

So could you please make this field so that we can just double-click the email address without any spaces in the field?
A one click copy would be even better.
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I was also wondering if we could just "merge" tickets from registered user that open a ticket as guests with their real accounts. There is a gap that is problematic. I will post another suggestion for this.
Got a nice little solution for this in the next version along with a couple email related tidbits... :)