Applications Import Fields "Preset" per Category

Please add an import fields preset in the ACP for import fields per category where we can pre-select the import fields associations before a user will be imported to the database.

This could be applied at the first time you select the "Convert Applicant to User" only. It is not necessary to be applied afterwards when the Application Tools only show "Import Fields" because then it is most likely that just one or two fields are imported again to override the previous data. But for simplicity it could always be the same in both cases.

This preset will pre-select the import settings in the modal when you click on "Convert Applicant to User". We still should be able to make individual changes before hitting "import". This takes away a lot of work because it is most likely that the import will be repetitive and the settings will always be the same as previous imports in the same category.

It could look like this in the ACP Category (with the same dynamic functionality as in the application):

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-28 um 13.56.33.png
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Just to give you some insights... I had 100+ applications now, where 30 something are successful so far, so I had to import (convert to user) 30 applications with about 30 application custom fields per application. So I associated import fields 900 times now... that is killing me. It should be two clicks only... :D

How it could work:
  1. Associate fields once per category in the ACP
  2. In application view click "convert to user" ---> popup opens to check if everything is correct
  3. Click import and done
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