Tickets Fixed Escalation technical flaws

One scenario that is currently not possible technically (sequence of events):
  1. Ticket last reply is from an Admin/Mod
  2. Ticket Owner hasn't replied for X days
  3. Escalation 1 replies after X days with a "reminder" to call-for-action (an answer)
  4. Ticket Owner does not reply
  5. Escalation 2 replies after Z days with a final reply that sets the Ticket to "Resolved" (due to inaction of the Ticket Owner)
Point 5. will never happen, because Point 3. will repeat and repeat after X days, so that the timer of Point 5 will never reach Z days...

I found no setting in the ACP that can circumvent this.

Purpose is to remind Ticket Owners to reply after 3 days and if they do not reply for 7 days (absolute) to automatically resolve the ticket.
I've added additional criteria that should let you handle this, including time since the last time the starter replied and the last time the owner replied.