Calendar Not a Bug Events and UIX themes

Affected add-on version
So this is a broader issue but experienced with all UIX based themes.

Any event that spans multiple days is causing overflow in the event list widgets (on the calendar page and anywhere the upcoming events widget is used). This obviously makes mobile a bit of a challenge to use.
Do you have a screenshot of this? Or is this the same issue you mentioned a bit ago?

Does it happen on the default style? If it doesn't happen on the default style, it'd be a UIX issue.
Do you have a screenshot of this? Or is this the same issue you mentioned a bit ago?

Does it happen on the default style? If it doesn't happen on the default style, it'd be a UIX issue.

Same as before. It's definitely specific to your calendar widget and UIX as I've not seen this overflow in any other widget. I can recreate it easily enough and grab a screenie.
As mentioned, if it's not happening on a default style it'll be a UIX issue and there's limited assistance I can provide with that.