Classifieds Is ther a way to easily prevent expired listings from showing in the list?

I would like to remove expired listings from both the overview and category view.

How can I achieve this? :)

Note: I don't want to remove the listing, I want it to remain accessible if the direct URL is known.
Not at the moment but in the next version, I plan on hiding them behind a filter instead. Planning on getting that out in the next few days.
Just a note that I had to push this back a little to do it some justice. There's some other filter options I want to add but I need more time to build those out and wanted to get the changes that were ready out first.
So, with your latest update - expired listings seem to be automatically hidden now - I can still access them if I know the URL, but they don't show in the listings. They also appear to no longer carry the "expired" label.

Have you applied this change or has something gone wrong?