Tickets Fixed Moderation Status Icon in Ticket List

I "locked" a ticket for the first time and wondered if you had intended to have the moderations status icons like "locked" and so on in the Ticket Categories List / Queue Index.
Yeah, it's definitely there in 1.5.1. Where are you not seeing it? Have you made customisations to 'nf_tickets_list_item' perhaps?
It's not shown in any Style. Including the "default" XF Style. Look here, the "Resolved" entry should show a lock next to the label (it is showing it in the ticket view however)...

Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-18 um 21.02.38.jpg
@NixFifty I see what you did there... you mixed the default sprite with FontAwesome... hmmm... maybe just stick to the default sprite. Most styles like UIX override the default setting. A mix of both might cause the CSS to mess up...
It was mostly done like this since FA has some useful icons that aren't available in the default sprite.

I'll double check if I've clashed with default XF classes.
The default XF moderation icons have a <span class="[whatever]"> to call the correct icon in the sprite and that is also utilized by styles like UIX (which then overrides it with its FontAwesome Icons...) if you remove the class and put in the icon via <i> tag it will not show up...

Original XF


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Ah, ok that makes sense.

I'll iron that out in the next release and incorporate UI.X in to my testing a bit more. My sites are either on XenBase or stock XF so I never noticed. Thanks for bringing it up!
This is sorted in the next release. I've had to resort to using a mix of FA and sprite icons since the sprite lacks some that Tickets needs.