Gift Upgrades Fixed Payment Processor is not respecting site

in my site, PayPal is not active, but still, when a user wants to gift, they see it in the list of Payment Processors.
I've made some tweaks here. If Paygates is installed, the add-on will check over gateways and make sure they're available to use (i.e. properly configured). If there are none available, the gift form won't appear and will return an error instead.
Upgraded, but still, although the paypal is not configured (and zarinpal is configured) but I see both of them in the list of processors.
Anything here that I misunderstood?
Upgraded, but still, although the paypal is not configured (and zarinpal is configured) but I see both of them in the list of processors.
Anything here that I misunderstood?
Where abouts are you seeing them? On the account/upgrades page or when trying to gift content (i.e. posts)?