Rosters Not a Bug Phrases are not assigned an addon id

Affected add-on version
For example the phrase nf_rosters_roster_field_title.joinDate has no addon id assigned. I assume it's the same for the others as well. A couple I identified:
It's because those fields are now custom roster fields so this is expected.

They used to be default fields but it made more sense to ship them as custom fields so users can remove or edit them where applicable.
So this seems to be a XF bug? Since when no addon id is assigned I imagine they're not getting cleaned up when the responsible addon is uninstalled?
It's not an XF bug either. All add-ons that implement custom fields do the same thing (including XFRM and XFMG) otherwise the phrases would get overwritten when the add-on gets updated.

It's up to the add-on to clean up on uninstall which admittedly, Rosters doesn't actually seem to do so that is something I need to look in to... :)