Tickets Support placeholder custom field variables in predefined responses

This is very useful.
Please add placeholder variables for custom fields. But this needs some thought.

For example we have currently custom fields for:
- first name
- last name
- account name
- organization

If the user has no account, then they will only fill in the first and last name. If they have an account then they will fill in the account name. If there is a first name filled in then we will always use the real name in the message. Else we will always use in the account name. Is there a way to use such conditional placeholders?
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This is actually a pretty complex suggestion but I have laid some ground work already in Tickets 1.4.9.

I'm also considering the idea of making the following fields default:
- first name
- last name
- account name
- organization

and then being able to do something like {user.first_name}, etc.
Custom field values can be used in predefined responses now. Similar to the default values, you can access custom field values by using {field.fieldId} where fieldId is the ID of your custom field. You can obtain that by viewing your custom field in the ACP:
Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 01.04.47.png

My Site URL field is just a simple textbox which just asks for a URL.
Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 01.00.32.png
My predefined response from my earlier thread looks like this...
Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 01.06.08.png
...and it generates the following editor text when used in ticket view:
Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 01.07.22.png

Conditions in predefined responses is something I'm considering but may not make 1.4.9 / 1.5.0.