What is the purpose of the Knowledge Base?

I was wondering what the purpose is for the Knowledge Base that is part of Nifty Tickets plugin. I can't find much documentation of it anywhere. Does anyone use this? If so, what is it used for? Thanks!
It's a very simple way of documenting things. Atlassian has a more comprehensive explanation here. What kind of documentation on it are you looking for?

I've got a couple articles written up here: Knowledge base

If you don't need / want it, you can just make sure no one has permission to view it and it'll not appear.
Hi Nix,

Thanks! Yeah - I was wondering how this is associated with the ticketing system, or is this a freebie connected to the plugin?

I am not sure how this would be used at all - being associated with tickets. :)
Knowledge bases are commonly used with support ticket systems. You can reduce your inbound tickets by documenting things in your knowledge base so they go hand in hand, in my opinion.