Calendar Fixed Widget: 'Calendar: Upcoming events' and Featured - Recurring events have incorrect icon date and meta date

Affected add-on version
Display Style: Full
Calendar limit: All calendars
Date limit: 14 days

When recurring events are displayed within the 'Calendar: Upcoming events' widget, they have incorrect icon date and displayed meta date. Original/first date is used, instead of next date. Example ...

Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 15.16.17.png

The event is 2018-09-18 19:30 -> 23:00, with recurring/repeat every 1 week on Tue and ends never.

As per above screenshot, the widget incorrectly displays the original/first date.

The widget should display the next upcoming event date, which as of this post, means icon date of Oct 13 and displayed meta date 'Oct 13, 2020 at 19:30 -> 23:00'

Additional bug: The : (colon) just prior to the username and date in the displayed meta data shouldn't be there.

i) Move the calendar name down to the meta data display line at the bottom - it wastes space at the top, and is really meta data
ii) Only display the calendar, next/upcoming date and location in the displayed meta data. Username, Views, and Updated date are really illogical/unwanted for the widget.
Last edited:
When recurring events are displayed within the 'Calendar: Upcoming events' widget, they have incorrect icon date and displayed meta date. Original/first date is used, instead of next date.
Same issue for Featured Events slider (appearing at top of Calendar home page) and Featured Events page ( /events/featured )