Tickets Not a Bug 1.6.9 Queue display and Ticket count messed up

Ticket Queue Page is completely messed up.

I made the update, merged templates and did all rebuilds, saved the "options" page...

The numbers also absolutely make no sense in all contexts.

I have 313 tickets (that's the "counter" number which should include the deleted ones). It shows 474 tickets total in the paginations (no idea where that number comes from).

Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-28 um 11.46.02.png
Now the queue page shows all tickets on one page minus the deleted ones, although showing 24 pages in pagination. The max ticket per page number in ACP Options is "20" though...

The sidebar stats show a different number of total tickets which I can not explain but it seems to be the actual number of non-deleted tickets of a total of 313 tickets ever created....

Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-28 um 11.46.15.png

Sorry, I missed this. This is strange and I'm not entirely sure how you've gotten your queue looking like this. Haven't been able to reproduce this on my sites either (with a few thousand tickets) so would've noticed it there.

I'm wondering if it's related to this regression: Tickets - Assigned ticket is listed twice

I'll punt over a patch shortly and then let me know if you're still running in to it.
On a side note, I've tweaked the ticket count logic a bit to be more in line with XF.