Tickets Fixed Banned member is removed from ticket

I am encountering the following issue:
Ticket 338 from September addresses an issue that needs to be resolved. The ticket was opened for member Janita. After this the user has been banned. I still need the user to reply.
However, the ticket is now owned by me instead of Janita. This is likely because the user has been banned.
Open a new ticket with the eMail of the banned and "merge" the tickets. That should be also a more safe version than something with "half"-permissions...
I have just created a new ticket without merging, which is easier.
However, I will need to search for all pending tickets I have, because there are bound to be more tickets like this.
Banning a user doesn't eject them from a ticket. There was likely some weirdness / confusion between who the starter of the ticket was and who "owns" the ticket. I've made this more robust in 1.6.x so edge cases like this shouldn't occur.