Buying Tickets now grants Beta access?

Hello there,

I've now talked with my staff about the need of a ticket system... Now the only suitable solution I think I've found is the Tickets add-on from you guys.

However I refrained from my purchase because I've read about a sh*t-ton of changes from 1.4.8 through 1.5.0.

My question now is: Is it worth installing 1.4.8 when 1.5.0 will essentially wipe the slate clean with all its changes? Or should I buy it - will it grant me beta access so I can start with the beta version (but 1.5.0) on my production board?

1.5.0 does indeed contain a huge number of changes and improvements.

An upgrade from 1.4.8 to 1.5.0 will preserve your data.

Getting access to the beta is not automatic, I have to add you manually to the group at the moment. Once your purchase goes through, I can take care of that and grant you access.
Thank you for your response.

What is your recommendation regarding that? Upgrading from 1.4.8 to 1.5.0, waiting for 1.5.0 release or running the 1.5.0 beta in production?
Tricky one...

I run the 1.5.0 beta in production and I know a handful of sites that also do. There’s a lot less bugs in it compared to 1.4.8.

It’d be personal preference really but the price will increase when 1.5.0 (due to the substantial changes and additions) so something to keep in mind. :)
I’ll sort that out for you shortly.

And yes, you can upgrade from the beta to the release version like you would a normal add-on upgrade.