How to set up permission and categories for teams?

I am setting up an installation for corporate use. It will have 2 teams.

Team A will only have staff access to category 1
Team B will only have staff access to category 2
Customers can submit tickets to either 1 or 2.

How do you propose I set this up permissions and categories?

When a new ticket is opened in category 1, then I need to have a mail sent out to team A only.
When a new ticket is opened in category 2, then I need to have a mail sent out to team B only.

Please advise.
Category 1 could be private, give customer usergroup applicable user permissions including view, give team A applicable user permissions + moderator permissions. Same for category 2 but for team B. I do something similar, just not in a corporate environment.

As for the emails, they’d need to explicitly watch the category to receive emails but even so, they’d only receive emails for categories they’re watching and can actually see / moderate.
lol. So that will not work. I need anyone to be able to submit tickets to any category by accessing here: /tickets/
While allowing staff teams to only access tickets in the category they manage here: /tickets/queue/

I currently have given category moderator usergroup permissions to team A and B.
I have not given them moderator permission here: moderators/super/
I have not set categories to private.
Why would giving registered and unregistered users ability to submit tickets not work? You just need to give the permission to the usergroup, not every individual user.

To be honest, the category doesn’t even need to be private. Just allow registered and unregistered to view and post in that category and team A to moderate category 1 and B for category 2.

Easy peasy.
Ya, I was thinking the same when setting it up as without private categories is the most logical way to go.