Tickets Fixed "Mark Tickets Read" does not seem to work

When I have a Forum Discussion List with unread threads I can click on "Mark as Read" in the navtab as sub menu. Same with Tickets, but nothing happens when I do this in Tickets Queue......

Try to have three users in the ticket conversation involved. A ticket starter and two mods/admins. Let them all write back an forth and then let one admin "Mark all Tickets Read" on the Ticket Queue and then it does not work... ;-)
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Just tried it on a board with a ton of tickets where most of them I've not participated in but some I have. Seems to be ok. Can't see anything glaringly obvious wrong either.

When you say it's not working, are no tickets being marked as read or something else?

I'll try it out a bit more in the morning.
I had like 5 tickets. Three were unread but then the "Mark as unread" did not work. Only when I opened and looked into the ticket they were marked read...
Figured it out, it wasn't counting tickets not in the open status as being unread thus they weren't included in the list of tickets to be marked as read.