Tickets Fixed Post dates all set to today

A ticket started on July 15 and the last reply made on August 17 was reopened (from pending) due to escalation. Now all ticket messages have the post date August 26th (today) The edit dates are still correct.
What are your escalation actions?

What ticket messages have today as the post date? All of them? Messages posted by the escalation?

Can't say I've noticed this.
I see now that all ticket posts have been changed to august 27th. So it could be caused by any escalation or any other issue.
What message layout do you use? I don’t think this is related to an escalation.

When you tell XF to display a date but don’t give it a proper date to display, it’ll fall back to today’s date. I suspect I’ve probably made a typo.
Can you post a screenshot of the issue so I know we’re talking about the same thing? Better yet, access to the ticket(s) causing the issue would be good so I can see what’s going on.

I tried a bunch of things but can’t seem to reproduce an issue.

FWIW, escalations wil now log the tickets they take action on. :)
Ah yeah, that's a Tickets + XenBase issue. I could've sworn I fixed that a while ago now. IIRC it only affects discussion view so if you switch to simplified view, that should sort it temporarily. Kind of the reason I actually added that since it's pretty tricky to use XenForo's default discussion layout for anything other than threads / posts and maintain third-party style compatibility.

Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do about it.