Tickets Fixed Ticket Discussions get created without any discussion

Ticket Discussions should not be created if no one has started discussing.
99% of all tickets never need any discussion. We need Ticket discussions only created after a staff member initiates this.

Currently we end up with a mass of empty threads, which we then need to delete again.
This sounds more like a suggestion. Are you wanting to be able to manually create discussion threads associated to a ticket?
Best way would be to copy the behavior of Xon's ModEss add-on: You will have the "Discussion" button (only visible with the correct permissions) in each ticket and if it is clicked, a thread is created. So a mod must actively click it to start a "meta discussion" about a ticket.
Best way would be to copy the behavior of Xon's ModEss add-on: You will have the "Discussion" button (only visible with the correct permissions) in each ticket and if it is clicked, a thread is created. So a mod must actively click it to start a "meta discussion" about a ticket.
Good shout, thanks.
Best way would be to copy the behavior of Xon's ModEss add-on: You will have the "Discussion" button (only visible with the correct permissions) in each ticket and if it is clicked, a thread is created. So a mod must actively click it to start a "meta discussion" about a ticket.
Thanks! Yes, that's exactly what I meant in my suggestion thread here:
Similar to how the Thread Notes addon works.
I should have been more detailed.