
Tickets 2.8.1 $60.00
Full fledged support system solution.
  • Custom ticket categories with individual user and category permissions.
  • Custom ticket fields letting you capture the data you want.
  • Robust escalation system letting you define automatic rules and actions.
  • Support for user / guest tickets, attachments and read tracking.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Paid Name Changes
Paid Name Changes 1.1.1 $20.00
Require users to pay in order to change their username.
  • Integrated with XenForo's payment profiles.
  • Permission controlled to allow X free name changes before charges start.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
TeamSpeak 3 Integration
Connect your TeamSpeak 3 server to your XenForo board.
  • Sync TeamSpeak server groups with XenForo user groups.
  • View and manage your TeamSpeak server from the Admin Control Panel.
  • Send customised alerts to TeamSpeak channels.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
User Onboarding
User Onboarding 2.1.0 $35.00
Onboard your users by having them complete tasks for profile completion.
  • Custom percentage-weighted tasks that need to be completed for account completion.
  • Assortment of built-in tasks with extension hooks for custom conditions.
  • Supports XenForo user criteria for even more task possibilities.
  • Bundled widget that displays completed tasks, remaining tasks and current completion percentage.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Calendar 2.5.2 $60.00
Event management system for XenForo.
  • Custom calendars with individual user and calendar-level permissions.
  • Multiple layout options and integration with the popular JavaScript library, FullCalendar.
  • Support for recurring events, events over multiple days and more.
  • Allow events to accept RSVPs and set limits on the number of attendees.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Steam Integration
Steam Integration 2.0.0 $35.00
Connect Steam to your XenForo board.
  • Sync Steam accounts with XenForo users.
  • Flexible developer API.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Thread Chapters
Thread Chapters 2.2.1 $35.00
Break large posts in to digestible chapters, complete with navigation.
  • Easy to use [CHAPTER] BB code with customisable chapter names.
  • Automatically generated table of contents and navigation controls.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Parse HTML
Parse HTML 1.1.0 $10.00
Allow users with permission to post parsed HTML content.
  • Adds a permission-controlled [HTML] BB code.
  • Parses HTML everywhere BB code is supported and the user has permission to use it.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Pokes 1.1.0 $10.00
Allow users to poke each other.
  • Mimic Facebook's poking functionality.
  • Users may only poke others once until the poke is reciprocated.
  • Poked users receive an alert.
Mirror Images
Mirror Images 1.4.0 $25.00
Automatically convert hot linked images to attachments.
  • Convert hot linked images within posts on the fly.
  • Rebuild tool within admin tools and also accessible via CLI to retrospectively mirror images.
  • Meets XenForo's add-on guidelines and standards.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Rosters and Personnel Status Reports
Rosters and personnel status reports for clans, guilds, teams and more.
  • Custom roster fields letting you capture and display the data you want.
  • Auto-adding of users to rosters based on their user groups.
  • Simple awards and records systems built in.
  • Individual profiles for roster members to view collated information.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Member Notes
Member Notes 1.0.14 $15.00
Allow your staff members to leave notes on a user's profile.
  • Permission based note control
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Gift Upgrades
Gift Upgrades 2.5.2 $35.00
Allow users to gift user upgrades to each other.
  • Deeply integrated in to XenForo's User Upgrade system.
  • Statistical breakdowns of daily, weekly and monthly gift purchases.
  • Alerts to users when they have received a gift with optional messages.
  • Gift users directly from the content they have created.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Discord Integration
Discord Integration 2.8.7 $35.00
Connect your Discord server to your XenForo board.
  • Sync Discord roles with XenForo user groups.
  • View and manage multiple Discord servers from the admin control panel.
  • Send customised alerts to Discord channels.
  • Flexible developer API and widgets included.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Auto Close Threads
Auto Close Threads 1.0.0 $20.00
Automatically close threads after a configurable time period.
  • Configurable on a per-forum basis.
  • Choose to close threads after inactivity based on thread creation date or last post date.
Forum Agreement
Forum Agreement 1.0.0 $25.00
Require users to agree to terms before being able to post in a specific forum.
  • Configurable agreement messages on a per-forum basis.
  • Ability to require users to agree to the terms again after X number of days have passed.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Mark Threads Done
Mark Threads Done 1.0.0 $10.00
Allow users to mark threads as done.
  • Set a prefix to apply to threads that should be considered done.
  • Automatically close done threads in addition to applying a prefix.
  • Users can re-open a thread if it is later considered "not done".
Classifieds 1.2.0 $60.00
Add a feature-rich classifieds system to your board.
  • Custom listing categories with individual user and category permissions.
  • Custom listing fields letting users enter the data you want.
  • Monetize posted listings by charging a fee on creation.
  • Support for custom listing types, conditions and more.
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License duration
12 months
Renewal price
Animated Avatar Permission
Restrict animated avatars to certain groups.
  • Permission controlled ability to upload animated avatars.
  • Configurable error message to drive sales.