Calendar Event Venue Profiles


Often a Venue has multiple Events. Its useful to be able to add a profile / page for a Venue. This page should allow for a logo, gallery, custom fields, url, text, tags, reviews, as well as display all the Events at that Venue in Chronological order.
Past Events would also be good to display in a separate tab.

And of course a map.
Upvote 4
I'm totally with you on this one. Right now i've the venues inside RMS. It would be very cool if we could have the venues inside the Calendar! :)
Currently adding a venue can only be done by the admin. This is not very useful because we cannot know what venues users want to add. Users should be able to post venues.
On the venues page - it might be cool to have venue management. So say you have a good few venues there added - you could have checkboxes down the left and select all/select any needed - and manage them.

Manage options could include - Delete, Duplicate (maybe?), Assign New Calendar

I know this could be done on an individual basis, I'm just thinking - if I plan to have multiple venues, then it could be time saving. Hope the above makes sense.