Few questions about Tickets 2


first of all, thank you for this great add-on, the features are amazing! I have a few questions:

1) When someone is opening a ticket, the only thing I see is the counter in the staffbar. Is it possible, to set a usergroup per category, that receives an alert, when a new ticket is opened in this category?

2) When I'm the ticket starter and someone replied to my ticket, I receive an alert. Is it possible, to also display a badge with the unread ticket count on the corresponding navtab? We are also displaying the unread posts count as a badge on our forum tab using a callback, maybe this is possible, too? I moved the original "Tickets" tab as a child to an existing tab, perhaps, that's the problem.

3) I would like to use the ticket system instead of the contact form and enabled the corresponding option. I know, I have to set the permission for the guest usergroup to "Can view" in order to make this working. But as soon as guests can use the ticket system, we are getting flooded with spam, although I have enabled the captcha for guests. Did I miss something regarding permissions or do you have an idea, how I could stop spamming? Right now, I disabled tickets for guests.

Thank you very much for your help! :)
1) When someone is opening a ticket, the only thing I see is the counter in the staffbar. Is it possible, to set a usergroup per category, that receives an alert, when a new ticket is opened in this category?
2) When I'm the ticket starter and someone replied to my ticket, I receive an alert. Is it possible, to also display a badge with the unread ticket count on the corresponding navtab? We are also displaying the unread posts count as a badge on our forum tab using a callback, maybe this is possible, too? I moved the original "Tickets" tab as a child to an existing tab, perhaps, that's the problem.
Not at the moment but it's doable.
3) I would like to use the ticket system instead of the contact form and enabled the corresponding option. I know, I have to set the permission for the guest usergroup to "Can view" in order to make this working. But as soon as guests can use the ticket system, we are getting flooded with spam, although I have enabled the captcha for guests. Did I miss something regarding permissions or do you have an idea, how I could stop spamming? Right now, I disabled tickets for guests.
CAPTCHA should be showing on the ticket form as well.
Still waiting for an answer :)
Sorry, just recently got back from vacation.
No problem, everyone needs vacation :) Thanks for your answers.

  • Regarding the usergroup that receives an alert for a new ticket, could you tell me where I have to set it up?
  • The CAPTCHA is showing properly on the ticket form, but that doesn't stop the spam. Anything else I can do against it? Strangely enough we receive no spam at all when we are using XenForo's default contact form and this is also protected only with CAPTCHA.
Regarding the usergroup that receives an alert for a new ticket, could you tell me where I have to set it up?
Oh I misread this, sorry. There isn't a way for an entire user group to get an alert but if you watch the category, a user can get altered.
The CAPTCHA is showing properly on the ticket form, but that doesn't stop the spam. Anything else I can do against it? Strangely enough we receive no spam at all when we are using XenForo's default contact form and this is also protected only with CAPTCHA.
Are you using any particular add-ons to aid against spam?

This seems like an unanswered problem. I've got the same issue and it just started all of a sudden.

No add-ons are causing spam for my forum, no idea how they are getting passed the CAPTCHA. How to stop it?
This is crazy. I don't really want to disable for guest. I want people without an account to be able to contact me to make it easy for them to get customer service. This seemed like the best system for it, and I thought CAPTCHA was suppose to prevent this kind of thing from happening?
Yes, I'm aware though my question above still stands so I can ascertain what the issue is.
Would one of you mind opening up a ticket with a login so I can take a look? I do find it odd as the spam prevention stuff is almost identical to what’s in core XF.

The only difference I can think of, off the top of my head, is the support for Xon’s signup abuse add-on though I don’t think that’d be the cause.
I have no spam prevention add-ons and I don't have Xon's signup abuse add-on.
I had removed tickets from my forum in an attempt to update it. But whenever I added the new version's files, it keeps giving me the older version, then I decided to update my entire forum and have had enormous difficulty with that working on a localhost version. I managed to install the existing forum on localhost and update it but need to update the plugins and see if it works. So far whenever I put Tickets in the localhost verison, it won't even let me install it.
I have no spam prevention add-ons and I don't have Xon's signup abuse add-on.
I had removed tickets from my forum in an attempt to update it. But whenever I added the new version's files, it keeps giving me the older version, then I decided to update my entire forum and have had enormous difficulty with that working on a localhost version. I managed to install the existing forum on localhost and update it but need to update the plugins and see if it works. So far whenever I put Tickets in the localhost verison, it won't even let me install it.
Why can't you install it?