Is Rosters Dead?

What about that? :p
There isn’t currently an upgrade path but it’s the last thing I need to finish or at least look in to the feasibility of. I’m hoping to get that wrapped up this weekend and get it up on the store. :)
I share your frustration, but does it even matter whether Nixfifty replies at this stage? He's been saying the update is coming within a couple of weeks since at least February if not before, as well as promising this was the next software of his to get an update.

I don't think he intentionally lies, but his project management skills are diabolical. It makes me really question whether to even install the add-on when it is launched, as I really don't want to rely on him for a part of my website.
I agree... The update was posted today, but it seems as though there are still a few errors that need some attention.... Hopefully it doesn't take months to get the problems attended to...
Well I'm glad the update was posted, and as I said I think Nixfifty has the best intentions. He could have disappeared easily enough after the PE split, but here he is still working on things.

Unfortunately two weeks ago I upgraded my test forum to XF2, so I am not going to be trying Rosters again until it has also been updated.

Best of luck!
I did not find any major flaws (Server Errors, Installer Errors) yet. It seems to work. There are some bugs though.I'll post them for you... ;)
I did not find any major flaws (Server Errors, Installer Errors) yet. It seems to work. There are some bugs though.I'll post them for you... ;)
Thanks for your reports. I think I'll refrain from updating as of now, since this looks like it's rather unpolished... I, myself, have reported several (some of them severe) bugs in other add-ons with no fix in sight. yikes.
Seems that what we were looking for is no longer available with THIS plugin, and I have to agree with @Freelancer - Rosters IS Dead and seems as if it won't be coming back anytime soon! I am saddened and angry that this plugin hasn't been supported as expected and it seems as if I am going to have to HIRE a developer to write the plugin that I NEED for our organization to function as necessary! This will cost us $1000's of dollars, when we could have spent a fraction of that cost on a GOOD plugin that WAS well supported at one point - thus hurting our organization...